Apex Student Ministry
Apex Student Ministries exists to help students (grades 6 to 12) realize they were created by God on purpose, for a purpose, and with a purpose. The teenage years are challenging and overwhelming at times, which is why Apex Student Ministries seeks to come alongside students as they navigate these challenging times. Our approach to student ministries is upwards, inwards, and outwards.
We desire for God to reach us, save us, and transform us so that we can reach UPWARDS in surrender, obedience, and worship to Him.
We allow change and discipleship to take place in our own personal lives, so change can take place INWARDS in our group.
We are challenged to "Go" and advance OUTWARDS to minister to our families, friends, schools, and communities.
Wednesday Evenings :: 6:30-8 P.M.
Wednesday evenings are vital to Apex Student Ministries. As students arrive, they are invited to catch up with one another and spend time hanging out. As the evening gets started, there is usually some sort of group game or activity followed by a time of worship and practical teaching. The students are actively involved in all aspects of the evening.