Advent has begun. Join us throughout Advent for our “Heaven Came Down” series.
On November 29th, the First Sunday of Advent, Pastor Brian preached a sermon titled “Bethlehem” out of Micah 5:2 and John 6:28-35.
On the Second Sunday of Advent, Pastor Brian preached a sermon titled “The Shepherd’s Field” that looked at the Christmas story from the perspective of the shepherds. Luke 2:8-20 was the sermon text.
On the Third Sunday of Advent, Pastor Brian preached about “Nazareth,” the hometown of Jesus. Luke 1:26-33 tells the story of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary to tell her that she is going to have a son. The angel appears to her, in her hometown of Nazareth. John 1:43-46 reminds us that not only was Nazareth the hometown of Mary and Joseph, but it was also Jesus’ hometown.
For the last Sunday of Advent, Pastor Brian preached about love. Jesus came to earth, heaven came down, a baby was born…because of love.