God shows up in our lives from beginning to end, from start to finish, from first to last, a life of faith.
On May 5th, Pastor Brian launched a series titled “Start to Finish.” Rooted in Romans 1:16-17, the first sermon focused on the topic of faith. Faith is a spiritual gift. Faith is a spiritual journey. Faith doesn’t travel alone.
Part 2 of the series was titled, “Tipping the Scales.” Throughout Jesus’ life, he taught us about love. Jesus’ example of love in John 13:1-5, 34-35. God tipped the scale forever in our favor when He sent His one and only Son to die in our place and raised Him from the dead!
Pastor Brian concluded the “Start to Finish” series on May 19th. The sermon text was 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 and focused on the grace of giving!