Jesus' last words to his disciples before ascending into heaven reminded them of the importance of going into the world and telling everyone about Jesus. This series focuses on the importance of missions.
Catch and Release
On April 15th, Pastor Brian Matherlee launched a sermon series focusing on the topic of missions. Part 1 of the series entitled centers on Matthew 4:18-22 when Jesus calls/catches his first disciples. Jesus doesn't call/catch the disciples to keep them safely beside him, but instead releases them to go back into the world and make disciples.
Roads and chickens
In the story of the Good Samaritan, three men encounter a man who is in great need and are faced with a choice: go and help, or avoid the problem. In the story, the unlikely hero is the Samaritan man who valued people, specifically the injured man, over his position or title. Jesus has called us to serve and to love people, not to avoid those who are different from us or situations that might cost us something. Through the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37, Pastor Brian unpacks Jesus' words and how they should push us to action.