This year, Hayworth celebrates 47 years at its' current location after being at the previous location for 47 years. In the weeks leading up to the celebration, Pastor Brian Matherlee preached about the movement of God within the life of the Church.
On May 6, Pastor launched a new series focused on unpacking the movement of God. In Acts 5:12-16 we learn that the apostles were able to perform miraculous signs and the number of believers increased exponentially. This movement of God was initiated by God. In this passage, everything that happens is directly linked to the prayers of the believers. Our prayer is that God would move and continue to move within our church, our community, our state, our nation, and our world.
Are you in the way?
In John 14:1-6, 10-15 Jesus is seen talking to disciples. It is here that Jesus says that he is THE WAY. Jesus is not one way to eternal life, he is the way. Jesus took our place and paid the price for our sins. In the book of Acts, the early followers of Jesus are called the Way. Being in THE way is a choice - every one of us in the way. The question is...which way?
What Do I Still Lack?
In Matthew 19:20 a rich man approaches Jesus and asks what he must do to have eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must keep the commandments which the man admits he has done...but his life is still lacking. Accepting Jesus is just the first step, not the end of the journey. The man in Matthew 19 had the opportunity to go deeper, but chose to walk away. What will you choose?