Worldview = what we accept as normal from all the things that have touched and shaped us in life
In this sermon series, Pastor Brian talks about the difference between God’s view and the modern worldview.
In Romans 12:2, Paul expresses that we should not conform to the patterns of the world. In Part 1 of the “Worldview: series, Pastor Brian sets the stage for the remainder of the series. Over the next few sermons, we begin to wrestle with some big issues. We should strive to see the world from God’s view.
What…or who…got everything started? In Part 2 of the “Worldview” series, Pastor Brian tackles the topic of creation. Is the world as we know it the product of evolution or the intentional creation of God? The focal passage for this sermon is Romans 1:18-23.
In Part 3 of the “Worldview” sermon series, Pastor Brian confronts the issue of identity. Genesis 1:26-27 serves as a reminder that human beings are created in the image of God AND are distinct from everything else in creation.
At some point in life, most people wrestle with the question, “What’s my purpose?” In Part 4 of the “Worldview” series, Pastor Brian addresses the topic of purpose. Life has a purpose because God has a purpose for each individual. In this sermon, Pastor Brian states that man should reflect God’s moral image, take care of God’s creation, love one another, and be reconciled. These four themes are the basis of each person’s purpose.
In this final sermon in the “Worldview” series, Pastor Brian outlines the urgency of the Gospel. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus describes a narrow gate and a wide gate. One leads to life and one leads to destruction. Many go through the gate that leads to destruction instead of the narrow gate that leads to life. God cares about your life and has made a clear path for your eternal destination.